Fibromyalgia Support Group Overview
According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, Fibromyaglia is a common and complex chronic pain disorder with physical, mental and social implications. The symptoms for this disease includes pain, fatigue and sleeping disorder. In some serious cases, the patient will even have difficulty with his daily activity. There has been a lot of encouragement given by the fibromyalgia network to help fibromyalgia sufferers with help and advice regarding the illness. With discuss iob groups, they can discuss their problems and share their feelings without any hesitation. This is great because they know they are not alone.
Difficulty: Moderate
1) Set the time and location for the discussion to take place. Find a meeting place in the community centre r other places that do not require any rental fees. You must inquire about the facility (charges, rules of use etc.) and determine the day of month and time frame you will be needing. Allow for growth in membership. When you plan, try to plan for the future.
2) Publicize your group. You can put some listing on newspapers. Some of them offer free listings for community purposes. The Arthritis Foundation may also be willing to promote your group. You can even ask them for some opinions. You can also turn to your doctor's office to promote your activity.
3) Choose your facilitators.
You have to select a backup leader because the illness is unpredictable. A good way to overcome this unpredictable illness, rotate the leadership to ensure the continuity of the discussion group. Members should be recruited to assist facilitators with duties, including setting rooms up, cleanup and directing people to the meeting. Meeting and greeting new members adds a personal touch.
4) Set up rules and topics. Rules can be set by votes from members. There will be a lot of difference in culture because people from all walks of like will be joining. One important thing to make sure is that no advice that is given in the group should be treated as medical advise. Topics can be presented by guest speakers. It is vital that the guest speakers abide all rules of the discussion and that means no selling and no medical advices. It is everyone's responsibility to follow all the rules set by the group and also the rules set by the venue. Whenever there is a problem with a presentation, the group can have an open discussion to discuss any related topics based on suggestions.
5) Look for materials. There are free brochures that you can find. Check with fibromyalgia and arthritis organizations for starters. You can encourage your members to share their materials with other members. A simple tracking system can help you check materials in and out of your group. Be prepared for the possibility that things may disappear however and materials may not be returned. Guest speakers will be able to provide extra knowledge to the group. You can ask the guest speakers to bring handouts and distribute them to the members.
Useful information and precautions. You must maintain a roster for your group. It is advisable for your members to understand other members and become good friends if possible. Acknowledge new members. Utilize Name tags. Be sure to start and end your meetings on time. Accept members with similar conditions (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). The main problem of fibromyalgia patients is chronic pain and extreme fatigue. Be prepared to direct members to medical professionals for urgent help. Remind members that what works for one, may not work for someone else.
Difficulty: Moderate
1) Set the time and location for the discussion to take place. Find a meeting place in the community centre r other places that do not require any rental fees. You must inquire about the facility (charges, rules of use etc.) and determine the day of month and time frame you will be needing. Allow for growth in membership. When you plan, try to plan for the future.
2) Publicize your group. You can put some listing on newspapers. Some of them offer free listings for community purposes. The Arthritis Foundation may also be willing to promote your group. You can even ask them for some opinions. You can also turn to your doctor's office to promote your activity.
3) Choose your facilitators.
You have to select a backup leader because the illness is unpredictable. A good way to overcome this unpredictable illness, rotate the leadership to ensure the continuity of the discussion group. Members should be recruited to assist facilitators with duties, including setting rooms up, cleanup and directing people to the meeting. Meeting and greeting new members adds a personal touch.
4) Set up rules and topics. Rules can be set by votes from members. There will be a lot of difference in culture because people from all walks of like will be joining. One important thing to make sure is that no advice that is given in the group should be treated as medical advise. Topics can be presented by guest speakers. It is vital that the guest speakers abide all rules of the discussion and that means no selling and no medical advices. It is everyone's responsibility to follow all the rules set by the group and also the rules set by the venue. Whenever there is a problem with a presentation, the group can have an open discussion to discuss any related topics based on suggestions.
5) Look for materials. There are free brochures that you can find. Check with fibromyalgia and arthritis organizations for starters. You can encourage your members to share their materials with other members. A simple tracking system can help you check materials in and out of your group. Be prepared for the possibility that things may disappear however and materials may not be returned. Guest speakers will be able to provide extra knowledge to the group. You can ask the guest speakers to bring handouts and distribute them to the members.
Useful information and precautions. You must maintain a roster for your group. It is advisable for your members to understand other members and become good friends if possible. Acknowledge new members. Utilize Name tags. Be sure to start and end your meetings on time. Accept members with similar conditions (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). The main problem of fibromyalgia patients is chronic pain and extreme fatigue. Be prepared to direct members to medical professionals for urgent help. Remind members that what works for one, may not work for someone else.
About the Author:
If you want to get more tips and guides on fibromyalgia including fibromyalgia drugs, go to E Health Guild.
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