Monday, December 12, 2011

What is Fibromyalgia and what am I able to do about it?

By Bruce Lewis

Fibromyalgia syndrome is commonly revealed as a wide-spread pain having an effect on each side of your body, above and below the waist as well as discomfort in the axial skeletal system (spine) that continues for at least a quarter of the year. Fibromyalgia syndrome is basically a muscled disorder that causes muscle cramping, muscle spasms, burning, or pins and needles sensations throughout the body. Fibromyalgia syndrome is a persistent condition, that means it is going to last a pretty long time - perhaps a lifetime. It is an ailment typically indicated by wide-spread muscular pains and fatigue.

Exhaustion and sleep issues definitely are a serious characteristic connected with Fibromyalgia syndrome. Fatigue, pain, and painful points on your body are among the most common symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Fatigue is the term for a feeling of exhaustion during or after common day by day activities, or a lack of energy to begin these activities. You would normally get over your bad night's sleep by midday, but by afternoon you'll get so worn out and sluggish as well as sleepy that it's going to be tough to do your job.

Symptoms are influenced by weather conditions and activities, as well as by time (some have reported worse pain in the morning and also in the evening hours). Signs and evidence of bipolar sickness that Doctor. Phelps sees as an element of his Fibromyalgia patients include things like: Extreme sleep derangement, cyclic re-occurrences, becoming easily irritated and difficulty concentrating. Fibromyalgia symptoms can overlap with autoimmune sicknesses along with other musculoskeletal conditions which makes it difficult to diagnose.

Medical diagnosis is actually troublesome and often overlooked just because signs and evidence of Fibromyalgia are imprecise and generalized. Coexistent neurological and muscle-bound abnormalities for example rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, spinal metastatic inflammation, or Lyme disease may very well further complicate the diagnostic process. Correct diagnosis of Fibromyalgia syndrome is difficult by the actual fact that there's no single test that perceives it. Proper diagnosis of Fibromyalgia syndrome is entirely based upon signs and symptoms that are offered and on an actual physical examination.

Treatments for Fibromyalgia syndrome involve Physical Treatment which happens to be hands on manual treatment method in opposition to passive strategies such as heat and ultrasound. Treatment method for Fibromyalgia syndrome can come in a number of different forms, which includes prescription medication and self-help. In numerous examples, the main target from the treatment solutions are on reducing the leading indications of the illness.

Massage treatment is a favorable way to cope with Fibromyalgia syndrome. Massaging Treatment is one of the earliest approaches of health care in practice nowadays, and consists of manipulation of a spread of soft tissues and muscle groupings in the entire body. Massage Chairs has been revealed to be beneficial in handling Fibromyalgia syndrome. Healing massage treatments are basically one of the most beneficial treatment choices for Fibromyalgia syndrome pain and fatigue. Massaging treatment has been seen to be particularly useful in some individuals with Fibromyalgia syndrome. Massage Treatments is the up and coming stage for treatment alternatives for Fibromyalgia syndrome. Massage chairs has assisted many sufferers from over used muscles, high levels of stress and painful chronic health conditions like Fibromyalgia.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Living with Fibromyalgia

By John Gardner

Living with pain can really cause a person to be restless like a zombie We often feel what short term pain is like when we hit something by accident. It only hurts for a few minutes. But for a person suffering from fibromyalgia, the pain i come and goes without alerting you in any way. Therapeutic , when performed properly, is a tremendous source of relief. This is an important method to keep you from going crazy. To make your daily life better, you need to know the afflictions related to your condition.

The situation is always very similar, patients will all have plain and aches all over their body causing them to feel extreme fatigue. Sometimes, the pain is so much until it is unbearable. Muscles tightened up all out of the sudden to make you feel terrible. People always have the misconception about fibromyalgia thinking that the pain has got to do with trauma. However, the pain is actually pure pain that happens suddenly and has nothing to do with any traumatic causes. So, when you feel pain, perform some rubbing to the part where you feel the pain to help it relax. The same approach should be used with your affliction. When your muscles gets tight, learn to relax them.

People who have been suffering this for quite some times would have learn how to do this instead of depending on medication. You have to try another approach if you want any type of lasting relief.

Natural relaxations combined with therapeutic techniques are far better than putting useless drugs into your body. Your emotional condition will contribute to the symptoms too. Constant worry and despair can pretty much guarantee that you will not be able to find relief, so you will also have to learn how to control your emotions. A lot of people started to have pain based on traumatic experiences. There can be all kinds of scenario like robberies, accidents deaths and so on.

No matter what the incident, stand up and conquer it. The pain you feel is real and it is not an imagination. Therefore, you must overcome your obstacle in order to get rid of the pain. There is no easy way of doing this. Approach your problem through all kinds of way in order to get back to your normal life.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fibromyalgia Support Group Overview

By John Gardner

According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, Fibromyaglia is a common and complex chronic pain disorder with physical, mental and social implications. The symptoms for this disease includes pain, fatigue and sleeping disorder. In some serious cases, the patient will even have difficulty with his daily activity. There has been a lot of encouragement given by the fibromyalgia network to help fibromyalgia sufferers with help and advice regarding the illness. With discuss iob groups, they can discuss their problems and share their feelings without any hesitation. This is great because they know they are not alone.

Difficulty: Moderate


1) Set the time and location for the discussion to take place. Find a meeting place in the community centre r other places that do not require any rental fees. You must inquire about the facility (charges, rules of use etc.) and determine the day of month and time frame you will be needing. Allow for growth in membership. When you plan, try to plan for the future.

2) Publicize your group. You can put some listing on newspapers. Some of them offer free listings for community purposes. The Arthritis Foundation may also be willing to promote your group. You can even ask them for some opinions. You can also turn to your doctor's office to promote your activity.

3) Choose your facilitators.

You have to select a backup leader because the illness is unpredictable. A good way to overcome this unpredictable illness, rotate the leadership to ensure the continuity of the discussion group. Members should be recruited to assist facilitators with duties, including setting rooms up, cleanup and directing people to the meeting. Meeting and greeting new members adds a personal touch.

4) Set up rules and topics. Rules can be set by votes from members. There will be a lot of difference in culture because people from all walks of like will be joining. One important thing to make sure is that no advice that is given in the group should be treated as medical advise. Topics can be presented by guest speakers. It is vital that the guest speakers abide all rules of the discussion and that means no selling and no medical advices. It is everyone's responsibility to follow all the rules set by the group and also the rules set by the venue. Whenever there is a problem with a presentation, the group can have an open discussion to discuss any related topics based on suggestions.

5) Look for materials. There are free brochures that you can find. Check with fibromyalgia and arthritis organizations for starters. You can encourage your members to share their materials with other members. A simple tracking system can help you check materials in and out of your group. Be prepared for the possibility that things may disappear however and materials may not be returned. Guest speakers will be able to provide extra knowledge to the group. You can ask the guest speakers to bring handouts and distribute them to the members.

Useful information and precautions. You must maintain a roster for your group. It is advisable for your members to understand other members and become good friends if possible. Acknowledge new members. Utilize Name tags. Be sure to start and end your meetings on time. Accept members with similar conditions (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). The main problem of fibromyalgia patients is chronic pain and extreme fatigue. Be prepared to direct members to medical professionals for urgent help. Remind members that what works for one, may not work for someone else.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pain Relief For Fibromyalgia Syndrome

By Dana Cain

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic disease that affects the musculoskeletal system. The symptoms, though they may vary widely among sufferers, would generally include chronic fatigue, muscle and joint aches, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and tenderness in several of eighteen specific areas, or trigger points on the body. Often overlooked by sufferers because of the inevitable result of everyday stress and busy schedule is fibromyalgia. When the patient seeks treatment, fibromyalgia is often misdiagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, or another musculoskeletal condition. At a ration of about ten to one, if affects women far more often than men. More often the exact cause is unknown though some cases result from a specific trauma.

Being properly diagnosed is the first step to fibromyalgia pain relief. Besides the fact that the medical community doesn't completely understand the condition and there is also no specific course of treatment. Most advice given to patients reads like a weight-loss program, recommending low-intensity exercise, drinking lots of water, and reducing mental and physical stresses such as those caused by saturated fats, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, meat and sugar.

Anti-depressants are often prescribed as part of the treatment, which elevate the mood of the patient. Muscle relaxants and sleep aids may also be recommended. Nutritional supplements may also be beneficial since fibromyalgia sufferers are often found to be low in magnesium and manganese, both of which are helpful in balancing thyroid function.

Physical therapy teaches patients methods of walking, stretching, and exercise that reduce muscle tension and fatigue and because of this, it is considered as an essential component for fibromyalgia pain relief. Another lesson physical therapists would teach their patients is how to make use of ergonomic tools in their daily life such as padded chairs and special keyboards that help minimize muscle strain.

Some patients choose to incorporate alternative treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage therapy into their treatment. Testimonials of fibromyalgia sufferers indicate that the symptoms of the disease may be alleviated with the help of all these alternative treatments even though the efficacy of these natural treatments has not been carefully studied and quantified. Keep in mind that whatever patients decide upon, there is no simple cure for fibromyalgia and the most direct method of obtaining fibromyalgia pain relief is having a comprehensive plan that addresses mental and psychological symptoms and promotes healthy lifestyle habits.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia - How Will You Detect Fibromyalgia?

By Charlie H. Hanson

The particular symptoms of fibromyalgia could be a life altering experience. In addition, it can be a hard analysis with each case various and unique, along with several elements contributing to its cause.

Fibromyalgia, a form of non-inflammatory arthritis, has an effect on the muscles, tendons along with ligaments of the body. The affliction can be very debilitating, causing rigorous soreness through the body. Additionally, pain is but one indicator of its association.

Fibromyalgia furthermore leads to fatigue, in some cases severe fatigue, increasing the pain sensation associated with the disorder. Therefore having fantastic effect on the patient's way of life, lowering their capacity to perform as always.

One significant problem for the medical doctor, thus the individual, is actually the reasons for this ailment do not show on regular blood panels.

Thyroid, hormone or other laboratory testing have confirmed untrustworthy too. These checks often come back negative confusing the physician, leaving her or him baffled as to appropriate treatment.

Investigated extensively, studies have shown fatigue, endured by fibromyalgia patients, reciprocal to the degree of pain they endure.

Numerous individuals disclose that if they really feel tired during morning hours, they have a tendency to experience much more pain through the rest of their day.

As mentioned earlier, depression can be one more of the unpleasant symptoms of fibromyalgia. Along with tiredness raising the emotional state of anxiety, followed with a lot more soreness being experienced. In addition, intense cases of depressive disorders caused by tiredness, have contributed to some memory loss and obliviousness.

Some 10% to 15 % of fibromyalgia patients record they've got no problems with the start of fatigue in spite of their having soreness. A fairly fortunate lot.

Nonetheless, people who endure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS, the extreme fatigue many fibromyalgia sufferers encounter, includes a very close association with CFS.

Diagnoses of CFS are usually given for individuals who experience rigorous fatigue for intervals of 6 months or more.

Various other research has recommended dysfunctional mitochondria for the extreme fatigue, that accompanies fibromyalgia. Mitochondria discovered within the cells, synthesizes nutrients as well as oxygen, which supply the body with energy.

A large proportion of fibromyalgia sufferers manage to display symptoms of dysfunctional mitochondria, thereby leaving their own bodies in short supply of energy.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fibromyalgia: What is it?

By Donald Duvall

For many weeks, you've ached from head to toe . You've no energy, cannot concentrate, can't recall the last time you had a sound night's sleep. You have been to the doctor a considerable number of times, but all she can tell you is what you don't have. You've heard about fibromyalgia, perhaps read up about it or even chatted to somebody that has been diagnosed with this confusing disease . Yet nobody can tell you whether you have it.

Sound familiar? If that's the case, welcome to the world of an illness with many faces .

Fibromyalgia - A Demon with Lots of Faces

Fibromyalgia is a widely misunderstood health condition. For well over a century, it's been known by many alternative names, and that wasn't till the 1970s the term" fibromyalgia " was coined.

The name came from the patient's accurate experience of the illness . "Fibro" represents the fibroid tissues that are influenced (i.e. Ligaments and tendons), while "Myo" represents the muscle-bound system and "Algia" means "pain" - which is also the dominant incarnation of this health condition. Essentially,fibromyalgia means being experiencing discomfort nearly everywhere.

Connie Ludtke R.N, at Mayo Hospital, observes that people think fibromyalgia isn't a real medical problem or that it's "all in your head." It's intermittently thought of as a "garbage-can diagnosis:" if doctors can't find anything else wrong with you, they say you have fibromyalgia. She goes on to say that there are particular factors that you must meet to be diagnosed with this condition, including tender, unpleasant points above and below the waist on either side of the body .

A sickness, A Bundle of Symptoms or a Fabrication of your Mind

While there's still alot that remains unknown about fibromyalgia, clinical research has brought a more all-inclusive understanding in just the past couple of years. In particular, findings show that when an individual is afflicted with fibromyalgia, their brain and spine process pain signals differently, making them react more strongly to touch and pressure, and experience a heightened sensitiveness to touch and pressure. Fibromyalgia is a real physiological and neuro-chemical condition.

The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has made the diagnosis process for this condition easier for both patient and advisor, by developing countless factors for diagnosing the disorder. According to factors established by the ACR, An individual is thought to suffer fromfibromyalgia if he has experienced far reaching discomfort for about 3 months, in mix with tenderness in at least 11 of eighteen cited tender point sites. Though this would potentially not be as classic as an Xray or blood test, it does at least give some direction that could lead to a relatively reliable diagnosis.

As for treating
fibromyalgia well, now that is another story!

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

EFT- An Excellent Way to Overcome Fibromyalgia

By Marty Don

Pain that occurs every minute of every day- this is one symptom of fibromyalgia which makes sufferers feel hopeless. The good news is that there is a natural pain relief for this called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Fibromyalgia is a devastating condition and that will affect many areas of a person's life. Therefore, it is crucial to find the right pain relief option when faced with getting treatment, and an effective option is the EFT therapy.

How Does EFT Relieve Fibromyalgia?

When no amount of pain relief tablets and medications seems to help and there does not appear to be any light at the end of the tunnel, you could always turn to EFT. Now, how does this work for fibromyalgia? In the Emotional Freedom Technique, specific pressure points on your body are being stimulated in order to control the amount of pain that you have. No needles are applied! This can be self-applied, and the best thing is that if you are on a limited budget, you can learn this method for free on the Internet and self-apply the tapping.

EFT could go deep into the emotional root cause of fibromyalgia as well as ease other symptoms aside from chronic muscle pain, like fatigue, sleep disturbance, and memory loss. It works on the body's energy systems and was originally developed by Gary Craig following the discovery that imbalances in your energy systems could make a considerable effect on personal psychology. Believe it or not, Emotional Freedom Technique has been around for over 10 years and it has helped a lot of individuals from all through the world.

EFT therapy uses the tips of your fingers to lightly tap different meridian points which are located on your face and body. The process of gently tapping on these points clears blockages and allows the smooth flow of energy to enter. Tap whilst you think about your specific problem, which is pain, and state positive affirmations like "Even though I am in serious pain, I deeply and completely accept myself." You can spend about two minutes tapping and then, breathe and relax.

EFT is an effective tapping tool to beat the lingering pain that results from fibromyalgia. For training videos and workshops on how to lessen fibromyalgia pain, stop by at the EFT therapy website.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

California Health Insurance - Fibromyalgia - Get an affordable Health Plan

By Sean Johnson

Finally getting a diagnosis of fibromyalgia after years of these symptoms might seem like a little victory. However, the victory likely will be short-lived after you discover that the condition is chronic and has no known cure. That is why it is so important that if you are experiencing symptoms such as the ones listed above, you should consider your health insurance choices carefully. Fibromyalgia is a puzzling chronic medical condition with many painful symptoms and few answers regarding its cause. Perhaps you have suffered for years with unexplainable muscle pain and soreness, a persistent feeling of being tired as well as trouble sleeping. These are the most common symptoms of the disorder, but the severity and extent of the condition vary from person to person.

Fibromyalgia might be considered a high-risk condition. You might be required to buy high-risk insurance to ensure that your condition is covered. This type of insurance can tend to be quite a price. However, if you find yourself constantly seeking some sort of treatment or another related to your fibromyalgia, then the cost of a high-risk insurance policy might be well worth the price in the long run. This is a determination you will need to make based upon your own particular financial and health situation.

When you are applying for a brand new medical insurance policy, however, there is a risk that you may be denied coverage for your fibromyalgia under certain policies because you have a "pre-existing" condition. If you have medical insurance already, then you won't likely have any trouble getting coverage for treatment of the condition. Since fibromyalgia is a chronic condition with no known cure, medical treatment for the condition will likely be varied and ongoing depending upon your specific symptoms.

When you are making a decision about health insurance for the first time, you might be likely to try to get the cheapest policy possible. However, when you have a chronic health condition such as fibromyalgia, it is also important to take your health care needs into account when making the decision. If the health insurance policy is not denied to you altogether, you still may face waiting periods and conditions to coverage which can be frustrating. It is also important to realize that health insurance is probably going to be available to you, but at a higher monthly premium than if you didn't have fibromyalgia. There are policies out their that will cover your anticipated monthly expenses but you have to be vigilant in searching them out. Here is a bit of good news.

If you have had a health insurance policy in effect for 12 months prior to applying for health insurance under a new group health plan, then federal law prevents the new group health plan from requiring a waiting period for coverage. Federal law also prohibits the group health plan from denying coverage based upon a "pre-existing condition." What that means for the fibromyalgia sufferer is that even with a prior diagnosis of fibromyalgia, you will not have to wait for your coverage to go into effect and you have no fear that coverage will be denied to you based upon a "pre-existing condition."

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

How Can A Bellevue Chiropractor Help With Fibromyalgia?

By Dr. Michael Weir

Do you wake up feeling tired, washed out, and dragged down? Do you have generalized pain throughout your body that doesn't seem to respond to anything you've tried? Do you wake up multiple times a night and fight getting back to sleep? These are classic symptoms of fibromyalgia (FM). However, when caught early and treated appropriately, FM can resolve or at least be controlled. As a Bellevue chiropractor I have found that chiropractic care and management of fibromyalgia is very effective and is becoming increasingly popular among FM sufferers. The goal of managing FM is to return you to a productive, enjoyable lifestyle allowing you to function and perform all of your desired activities.

Were you aware that chiropractic is the number one form of alternative or complementary medicine in the world? Did you know that at one point or another 20% of American men and women will go to a chiropractor? Many studies have found that those people that seek chiropractic care have an 80% satisfaction rate after they've seen the chiropractor. Still, many people want to know and question the science behind chiropractic and what it is that chiropractic does.

Chiropractic's main objective in reducing pain and other symptoms within the body is by creating balance within the skeletal system with its main objective of reducing stress on the nervous system. At back in action chiropractic would bring balance to the skeletal system through the use of the pro-adjuster system. The pro-adjuster is uniquely set to offer very, dribble realignment and relaxation to the human body. It is also very important that discussions and instructions are given on ergonomics lifting bending sleeping and daily activities. In some cases we meet we may even discuss diet and how nutrition affects your body. Lastly it's important, that we influence and retrain the muscle system to rehabilitation and exercises.

Most fibromyalgia sufferers who have generalized pain, tender spots, and general achiness all over their body, and many will have back pain, neck pain, headaches, and/or arm and leg pain. Chiropractic care is extremely beneficial to fibromyalgia patients by reducing their pain to the reduction of spinal misalignments, relaxing muscles, and improving poor posture. A chiropractor will also work with the patient to implement proper exercise which is been found to be very beneficial. As also been found that died nutritional counseling can also be a benefit for a fibromyalgia patient.

At Back in Action Chiropractic we know the importance of including chiropractic into your treatment plan and realize you have a choice of providers here in Bellevue. If you suffer from fibromyalgia, or have a friend or family member that requires care we appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward to serving you and your family presently and, in the future.

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fibromyalgia Patients In San Diego Find Long Term Relief

By Mike Pritsker

Anyone suffering from fibromyalgia knows how painful and depressing life can be. At New Century Spine Centers in San Diego, fibromyalgia is a common ailment that many people come in for. Many fibromyalgia patients who come in for chiropractic care also know how misunderstood this condition can be. Until you suffer with fibromyalgia, it is difficult to really understand the true effects on a person.

There is a lot that is now known about it. With the help of modern research and a little care and understanding from some doctors and chiropractors, they are starting to gain more and more knowledge about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia. It is not a condition that is completely misunderstood anymore.

For example, there was a study that involved 558 chronic pain patients. The American College of Rheumatology found that they could accurately identify which patients had fibromyalgia, at an over 85% accuracy level. This supports that fibromyalgia can be accurately diagnosed and may not be "all in your head" as many doctors and people previously thought.

It was also found in this study that many people can have fibromyalgia with less than the previously required eleven tender trigger points as long as they have widespread pain and many of the following symptoms: fatigue, chronic headache, jaw (TMJ) pain, memory problems, diarrhea, constipation, sleeping problems, muscle pain, morning stiffness, menstrual cramping, numbness and tingling, dizziness, skin and chemical sensitivities.

Stress has long been theorized to be a major factor in fibromyalgia. And starting a new year and the upcoming holidays that come along with it is one of the most stressful times of the year.

Like all doctors' offices, care may vary from office to office. So if you are looking for a Chiropractor who offers short term, affordable fibromyalgia care, or if you have questions, call New Century Chiropractic in San Diego. The chiropractors at New Century Spine Centers can help you get your life back on track and eliminate the pain and suffering associated with fibromyalgia. You can be seen immediately with no obligation to extensive treatment plans.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Another Treatment Method for Lessening Fibromyalgia Pain

By Khase Janison

Seeking an alternative treatment for fibromyalgia? It would be better for you to take a look at fibromyalgia first before you do so. Fibromyalgia is a medical condition that causes the connective tissue and muscle pain. Pain isn't on only symptom of this disorder. Other symptoms include sleep disturbances, stiffness and debilitating fatigue. Some people suffering from the ailment also experience intestinal problems and pain during swallowing. Joint stiffness may also occur if you have this disease.

According to recent reports, the illness affects an estimated 2 to 4 percent of the population. Historically, the ailment has been classified as either a neuropsychiatric disease or a musculoskeletal one. There is still no cure for fibromyalgia to this day but there are some clinical trials that have been done in the past few decades that alleviate the pain and the symptoms.

Palpitations, tingling of the skin, nerve pain and muscle spasms are a few symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Chronic sleep disorders and memory problems can also be expeirences. Cognitive dysfunctions are also common among patients and that makes it so distressing.

What's interesting to note is that the cause of the disease is yet to be discovered. But, there are some conjectures about the causes. One of the most likely causes of the disease being considered is the genetic factors. It is unclear however how the disease is hereditary. Stress may also play a key role in the progress of the disease. For example, depression may coexist with fibromyalgia.

A lot of alternative treatments for fibromyalgia pain are available today. A lot of these treatments are written in detail through the Internet. One of the most unusual methods to ease pain caused by this disease is electromagnetism by of a bracelet of power. Sports professionals are using power bracelets to enhance their performance. The use of a bracelet of power can also relieve muscle pain and can also help people experiencing pain with fibromyalgia.

Using a power bracelet may be something that your doctor will not recommend though due to the lack of evidence on how it will improve one's condition but since power bracelets have had a lot of success when it comes to improving one's health and motor function, it would be best to give it a try. Many people attest to what the power bracelet can do but new users of the bracelet admit that they tried it because it is relatively cheaper than other types of treatment. Since it is inexpensive and promises results i.e. better motor performance, lots of people want to try it. Many of these people now look at electromagnetism as a treatment in a more favorable level.

The power bracelet may be getting a lot of negative media attention right now but it symbolizes hope for those with illnesses that cannot be treated by conventional medicine. The things it can do is something that the scientific community should take a look at more closely. If we open our minds to holistic treatments, we may be able to live fuller and healthier lives.

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Alternatives to Lessen Pain in Fibromyalgia

By Khase Janison

Fibromyalgia has been regarded as a musculoskeletal disorder since decades ago. At the time, other medical professionals also thought of it as a neuropsychiatric disorder. But, is imperative to note that fibromyalgia has no cure yet. There are some treatments that are very effective, but these treatments are still being studied. Medications, exercise and behavioral interventions are included in these treatments.

In the field of medicine, the diagnosis of the disease is controversial because there is a lack of agreement in the scientific community. As a matter of fact, there are even a few doctors who do not consider fibromyalgia as a disease because of the absence of abnormalities in the physical tests or examinations performed on people suffering from it.

But, controversies aside, people suffering from this disease aren't concerned if it is classified as a disease or not. What matters is the relief of their pain. Reducing pain in fibromyalgia can be very difficult because there is no way to effectively get rid of pain. The medical community is still investigating the causes of the disease and how to treat it. Medicine that has been proven to be effective in clinical trials is being used to relieve pain in fibromyalgia.

It is ill-fated that certain conventional treatments are not effective for all patients. A few patients actually have a fairly negative reaction to certain medications or exercises.

A number of people, who have lost hope in the treatment of this ailment by conventional ways or to relieve the excruciating pain in fibromyalgia, try anything to ease the pain. This is where the power of the bracelet comes in use. It has been under scrutiny due to claims of the company in the past about its benefits. But, many people still wear a bracelet of power in their wrists. It is not as a fashion statement, but for easing the pain in fibromyalgia.

Though considered strange to some, wearing a bracelet of power can get the balance of physical energies better. Muscle function is also improved along the way. This is the reason why a lot of athletes use the bracelet. There are actually a few basketball stars that have gotten a lot of media attention by using these power basketball bracelets. This is because the things that the product can do haven't been scientifically proven yet. Consumers need to take a closer look at this issue, because there are also some things to consider and these generally include holistic treatments and medicine. Holistic treatments have been used by our ancestors before the arrival of conventional medicine. This option is worth a try especially in this case when the disease has no cure and there are just a few ways to relieve the pain.

These holistic treatments are not invasive, so there's no harm in trying. What the science says doesn't really matter because it's your body that can tell whether treatment is working or not.

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Which Medications Work Well For Fibromyalgia?

By David Lawrence, MD

There are plenty of medication options for the treatment of fibromyalgia, however, a lot of them simply do not work and are not FDA approved. Whether or not a medication is FDA approved is not necessarily a litmus test for success. In addition, even if the medication is FDA approved for one indication, they can successfully be used many times off label for other conditions.

Fibromyalgia is very difficult to treat. It causes diffuse pain in patients, so a lot of doctors treat it with narcotics. A growing body of literature now shows that to generally be a bad idea and can make fibromyalgia patients worse. This is termed opioid induced hyperalgesia. Chronic narcotic usage that makes patients worse is probably not the best option.

In addition, we know that chronic usage of opioid medications represents a poor choice for most patients. Chronic pain medications may cause a patient to become depressed, they may cause constipation, they may cause addiction, and eventually they can cause a significant withdrawal if a patient decides they want to just get off of the medication.

One medication that works fairly well for fibro is tramadol, trade name of Ultram. Ultram is a different type of pain medication that is a non-narcotic analgesic. It has dual activity of tricyclic like activity, which means it blocks serotonin and epinephrine release, and on top of that it has opioid agonist activity. This dual action has been shown to be very helpful for fibro patients.

Another medication class that can be beneficial for fibro patients is tricyclic antidepressants. These include medications like cyclobenzaprine, amitriptyline, and nortriptyline. These were not originally indicated for fibromyalgia but a number of recent studies have shown benefits.

One of the FDA approved medications for fibromyalgia is one call milnacipran. The medication is approved in United States by the FDA for fibromyalgia. The medication has side effects that are similar to another medication in this article called duloxetine. The medication is often combined with a medication like pregabalin.

A second FDA approved medication for fibromyalgia is duloxetine. It has achieved FDA approval in the US for depression, anxiety, and painful diabetic neuropathy. The medication is called an SNRI - serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. One of the common side effects with duloxetine is nausea, with otherse being sleepy or even insomnia.

The third FDA approved medications for fibromyalgia is called pregabalin. The brand name is better known as Lyrica. This medication was approved initially by the FDA for epilepsy, painful diabetic neuropathy, and postherpetic neuropathy. Side effects that can be seen with pregabalin are dizziness, drowsiness, and swelling in the extremities. It is not exactly clear why pregabalin works for fibromyalgia, but numerous studies have shown excellent results.

Thankfully, better medication options exist for patients with fibromyalgia.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Should Fibromyalgia Be Considered A Real Disease?

By David Lawrence, MD

A significant amount of people with chronic pain end up with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Some patients have the known signs of tender points, while others experience more diffuse pain that is not localized to one specific anatomic area.

Fibromyalgia is not a distinct condition with a single pain generating mechanism. It is a common complicated condition that is characterized by a heightened pain perception with a number of precipitating factors. What is often seen is a wide variety of presenting complaints, such as headaches, shooting pains in the extremities, irritable bowel syndrome, generalized aching, and other endocrine problems.

The specific cause of fibromyalgia is unknown. Professors, researchers, and clinicians do not understand why patients end up with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. A significant amount of the time patients present with restless leg syndrome, disturbed sleep patterns, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, but no established cause can be figured out.

There have been some research studies looking at a relationship between a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and pre-adolescent sexual abuse. Pre-adolescent sexual abuse can lead to numerous medical problems down the road such as fibromyalgia, chronic migraine headaches, along with the potential for autoimmune diseases and hypertension. What needs to be explored in the patient physician relationship is whether or not a history of such a tragedy exists.

Since the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, it can't be said that depression is the reason for it, but it commonly co-exists with fibromyalgia. There are a number of anti-depressants that work extremely well for the disease so we do know that depression is a common comorbid disease.

Fibromyalgia is a very frustrating disease. It presents with a constellation of symptoms that do not have a single cause and for which we do not understand how the disease comes about. We do know that there is often times mental health comorbidities. Fortunately in the current medical treatment era, there are numerous medications that have been shown to help dramatically with patients symptoms of fibromyalgia. Some of these are FDA approved, while others are not but still work exceptionally well for the condition. These medications include duloxetine, tricyclic antidepressants, tramadol, milnacipran, and pregabalin. Opioid medications are currently falling out of favor for fibromyalgia due to their ineffectiveness and multiple side effects.

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